As you stand proud

As you stand proud and accomplished in the glow of enlightenment,
know that others who have stood here before have retreated.
Fearing that the never-ending quest was over, they stepped back,
choosing to repeat the too-familiar journey rather than to risk what lies ahead.

Out there ...
a Ring Pass-Not,
a Dark Wood, the Unknown,
and so much more.

Out there ...
exhilaration lost in the recesses,
inspiration trapped in the depths,
a touch that can change everything,
that can change you forever,
a touch that you are destined to receive.    

                                                       - Lazaris

Postat av: Berit

Härliga stenar och hjärta likaså.

Ha det gott, Kram från mig!

2008-12-11 @ 23:01:30
Postat av: Johnny

Tack! Johnny

2008-12-18 @ 21:50:54

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